Bitter Withy, The
The curious tale of the child Jesus committing multiple infanticide on a group of upper-class snobs and then receiving nothing more than a hiding for His actions and then cursing the withy tree for being the cane which beat Him has fascinated folk singers for years, although for obvious reasons has never found a place in the church repertoire. It comes into the category of Apocryphal carols and has been collected many times, mainly in the West Midland and often from the gypsy community. However there is no record of it in oral tradition before the 20th Century and so far as is known, it did not appear on any broadside.
Cecil Sharp wrote “The origin of the legend, upon which this curious carol is based, has attracted a great deal of attention from ballad students during the last few years, and has been exhaustively debated in the pages of The Folk-Song Society’s Journal (II, pp. 205, 300-4; IV, pp. 29-47) where six traditional tunes are printed, together with several versions of the text.”
The tune was collected by Sharp from John Hands of Snowshill, with Mrs Hands remembering words of the last verse only, whilst their son [William or George] and a Mrs Timms from the nearby village of Buckland, remembered variants of the start of the tune. Sharp completed the set of words from a version printed in the “Notes and Queries” column of The Evesham Journal, edited by Mr. E. A. B. Barnard (see Notes and Queries concerning Evesham and the Four Shires, 1911, Vol. I, p. 217). Mr. Gibbs, a cobbler, told Sharp that he learned the verses from a little girl who used, from time to time, to bring him her shoes to be mended, and who, in return, taught him the carol.
The Bitter Withy has points in common with another folk carol The Holy Well, but the latter does not have the same conclusion. In The Holy Well, for instance, when the children, scorning His lowly birth, refuse to play with Him, Jesus returns home and tells His mother what has happened. Whereupon Mary says:
Sweet Jesus, go down to yonder town,
As far as the Holy Well,
And take away those sinful souls,
And dip them deep in hell.
But Jesus is merciful and says:-
Nay, nay, sweet Jesus said,
Nay, Nay, that may not be,
For there are too many sinful souls
Crying out for the help of me.
It may be therefore that the Holy Well is a later rewrite of The Bitter Withy, showing Jesus in a compassionate rather than a vengeful light. However, noted versions of The Holy Well predate The Bitter Withy, so this theory is speculative.
The Bitter Withy is one of the carols derived from events in the ‘Apochryphal’ carols with certain changes. For example, in the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy, the Lord Jesus, going out into the streets to play, follows some boys who, in order to evade Him, hide themselves in a vault and are changed by Him into baby goats. In the Syriac Gospel of the Boyhood Jesus, when five years old, plays at a ford with streams of water, collecting them into a pool. One of His companions took a stick from a willow tree and destroyed the pool; whereupon Jesus said: “Without root shall thy shoot be, and thy fruits shall dry up like a bough of the wood which is broken by the wind, and is no more. And the boy immediately withered away” (Cowper’s Apocryphal Gospels, p. 449). In the same Gospel a boy, who was running, struck Jesus with his shoulder. “Jesus saith unto him: Thou shalt not go thy way. And immediately he fell down and died.” Again, Jesus was playing on the housetop when one of His companions, Zeno, accidentally fell down and was killed. Jesus, accused by the boy’s family of casting the boy down, said to Zeno: “Did I cast thee down?” Whereat Zeno leaped up and said: “No, my Lord.”
Professor Gerould also mentions a sunbeam legend — unaccompanied, however, by the drowning incident — in the Laurentian MS. of Pseudo-Matthew.
Now the main thesis of all these stories is very similar to that of The Bitter Withy; the Infant Christ goes out to play, someone offends Him and in consequence suffers death, or severe punishment, brought about by supernatural means. Just how – and when – a relative of these ancient stories entered English folk balladry is a mystery.
Cecil Sharp noted one verse from Mrs Hands of Snowshill but hit manscript indicates that he noted a variant of the tune from “Mrs Hands Jnr”, in other words from Mrs Hands’ daughter-in-law. He also noted a snatch of the tune from a Mrs Timms from the nearby village of Buckland. Sharp obtained the words from George Gibbs via The Evesham Journal. Mr. Gibbs, a cobbler by trade, told Sharp that he learned the verses from a little girl who used, from time to time, to bring him her shoes to be mended, and who, in return for the service rendered, taught him the carol.
Notes by Gwilym Davies and Jon Lighter
Media & Downloads
See the song/tune as collected (PDF file)Hear the song/tune (midi file)
Version to sing (PDF file)
Hear a version to sing (midi file)
Modern recording performed by: Puzzlejug
Version to sing (abc file)