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Tekeli (Tune no 30 from Snowshill Manor manuscript)

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Source: Manuscript at Snowshill Manor
Place Collected: Snowshill

Charles Paget Wade
From 1900 until 1951 Charles Wade  amassed an enormous and varied collection of craftsmanship, which he acquired mainly from antique shops and dealers in the UK. In 1951 he gave it with the Manor to the National Trust.

The Snowshill Manor Manuscript

I have photocopies of one tunebook, which were made by Graham and Amanda Collicutt. They also copied an index of the tunes, in which the book they copied is referred to as no 10. They only made copies of the pages with music, leaving out words of songs. Amanda has informed me that the book had been in Wade’s family. He brought it from East Anglia. The duets were played by two flautists, relatives of his. 
Items in the book are numbered in the order in which they occur. The hand is different and more recent than the original. I have included these numbers in the various files.

In the linked abc file this is tune number X:17

Tekeli is the title of a play written by Theodore Hook (1788 – 1841) about the life of Hungarian nobleman Imre Thököly (1657-1705). He was a leader of Protestant resistance to Hapsburg rule, and allied himself with the Turks during their attack on Vienna (1683). After 1699 he had to take refuge in Turkey, where he died in exile.

Notes by Charles Menteith