Davies, Gwilym
Back to collectorsGwilym Davies (b 1946) was born in Hampshire with a Welsh father. He became interested in collecting songs whilst living in Hampshire and continued his researches, along with his wife Carol, in Gloucestershire from the 1970s onwards. He has continued to amass a large collection of recordings from Hampshire, Gloucestershire, Devon, the USA and elsewhere and has deposited some of his collection with the British Library Sound Archive and the Library of Congress in Washington DC. He remains an active singer and musician and is a member of the folk groups Puzzlejug and Davies-Brenchley-Davies, who have several recordings to their credit.
Gwilym and Carol have made a special study of songs from Hampshire, and have a publication “A Hampshire Collection” consisting of songs and tunes they have collected in that county.
Gwilym has a website: http://www.gwilymdavies.co.uk
Songs Collected:
- How can a Guinea Pig Wag his Tail
- The Farmer’s Boy
- Me and Pa went out one day
- Sarie
- I am a Servant Girl
- Ding Dong Song, The
- Three Black Crows
- Girls for your Sake never Wed an Old Man
- Roman Soldiers
- Crabfish, The (Pullen)
- Seven Nights Drunk
- Abroad for Pleasure
- Thrashing Machine, The (Russell)
- Cock of the North (tune from Danny Brazil}
- Manchester Hornpipe (tune from Danny Brazil)
- Take me to my Kind Old Mother (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Deserter, The
- The Roaming Irishman (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Good Luck to the Irishman (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Unidentified Tune (from Lemmie Brazil)
- Wearing of the Green, The (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Tramp, Tramp, Tramp the Boys are Marching (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Boys of Wexford, The (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- I’m Walking behind You (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Harvest Home (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Hornpipe 6 (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Hornpipe 5 (Tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Hornpipe 4 (Tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Hornpipe 3 (tune from Lemmie Brazil
- Hornpipe 2 (tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Irish Jig, tune from Lemmie Brazil
- The Pub’s got no Beer
- To be a Fisher Boy
- Silver Bay
- Group of Young Soldiers, A
- Tidi my Chavi
- Can I Sleep in your Barn Tonight, Mister?
- We’ll Have a Day off for that
- Wassail song (Tresham)
- No John, No
- There was a Little Man (Ballinger)
- There were Three Crows (Ballinger)
- Swapping Song, The
- On a Four-masted Warship
- Barley Mow, The (Ballinger)
- Croppy Tailor, The
- Old Riverside, The
- Your Baby has Gone down the Plughole
- Buttercup Joe
- Little Billy Williams
- Lather Father
- I Felt Very Sorry for my Uncle Jim
- Mossy Green Banks of the Lea, The (Brazil)
- Brandon on the Moor (Brazil)
- All Hail and Praise
- Bonny Black Hare, The
- Seaweed
- Queen of Sweet May, The
- Crabfish, The (Brazil)
- Mistletoe Bough, The
- All Fours
- Wassail Song (Stroud)
- Down in the Fields where the Buttercups all Grow
- Wing Wang Waddle-oh
- His Old Grey Head Kept Nodding
- German Clockmender, The (Parsons)
- Buff Blow
- Thrashing Machine, The (Protherough)
- German Clockmender, The (Protherough)
- Grandfather Brian
- All Brought up on Cider
- Untitled Jig (tune from Danny Brazil)
- When I Took my Nance to Church
- He was only Eight Years Old
- Thrashing Machine, The (Orchard)
- When I was a Young Man
- Ship’s Carpenter’s Mate, The
- Romany Rai, The
- Rich Farmer of Sheffield, The
- Oakham Poachers, The
- Mandi Went to Puv the Grai
- Ikey Moses
- High Low Well, The
- Dunkirk Bay
- Cock Fled up in the Yew Tree, The (Smith)
- Barbary Allen (Smith)
- Jockey to the Fair
- Jan’s Courtship
- Guy Fawkes
- Flitch of Bacon, The
- British Soldier’s Grave, A
- There were Two Crows (Clissold)
- Somerset Fair
- Cemetery Song
- End of me Old Cigar, The
- I Wish I was Single Again
- Green Grass Grew all around, The
- Young Folk, Old Folk, Everybody Come
- They’re Moving Grandad’s Grave to Build a Sewer
- German Clockmaker, The (Gardner)
- Now Listen all you Sailor Boys
- Farmer Giles
- There were Three Crows (Cross)
- Green, Lived upon the Green
- My Father was a Farmer
- Poacher, The
- Long a-Growing
- Gown so Green, The
- If I were a Blackbird
- Come all you Lucky Gentlemen
- Salisbury Ram, The
- Once a Bold Fisherman Courted me
- Betsy the Milkmaid
- Banks of Sweet Dundee, The (Brazil)
- Are we to Part like this, Bill?
- Hornpipe 1 (Tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- God Killed The Devil Oh! (Tune from Lemmie Brazil)
- Virgin Unspotted, A (Boucher)
- Holly and the Ivy, The (Boucher)
- Stonehouse Bay
- Old Joe Whip
- Frenchman, an Irishman, a Hebrew
- D-Day Dodgers
- Cotswold Green
- Gloucester Blinder, The
- O Grand and O Bright
- Wassail Song (Woodchester)
- Life of a Man, The (Parsons)
- Arise ye sleepy souls, arise
- Ball of Twine, The
- Ball of Yarn
- Barley Mow, The (Parsons)
- Barley Mow, The (Payne)
- Bisley Football Song
- Bold Keeper
- Cock a-Doodle Do
- Crow-Clapping Song
- Cuckoo, The (Brazil)
- Down in the coal mines
- Fish and Tater
- Fly Be on the Turmot, The
- Fox went Out, The
- Freddie Archer
- Golden Glove
- Goodbye Old Ship of Mine
- Green Bushes (Brazil)
- Hark, hark what news
- Herring’s Head, The
- Jack and the Robber
- Joys of Mary, The (Parsons)
- Limpy Jack
- Macaffery
- Maria and Caroline
- My Boy Willie
- My Father is the King of the Gypsies
- Old Man Came Courting Me, An
- Perry-Erry Igden
- Poison in the Glass of Wine
- Sinking of the Graf Spee, The
- Rambling Irishman, The
- Resting on the Stile, Mary
- Schoolmaster’s Son, The
- Shake Hands and Be Brothers Again
- Shot Like a Bird on the Tree
- Three Brothers in Fair Warwickshire
- Three Men went a-Travelling
- Through the Dark Arches
- Twelve Stone Two
- Underneath her Apron
- Wassail Song (Little Sodbury)
- Wassail Song (Shurdington)
- Wassail Song (Bisley)
- Watercress Girl, The
- We Shepherds Be the Best of Men (Chidlaw)
- While Shepherds Watched (Stevens)
- Who’ll Buy my Primroses
- Wassail song (Hampton Fields)
- Side by Side (parody)